
Thursday, October 24, 2013

SP #3: Unit I Concept 1 - Graphing exponential equations w/out x-intercept

     The viewer needs to pay special attention to on how the aymtptote was found and the restrictions on the range. Remember "EXPONENTIAL YaK Died", which means that in an exponential graph, y=k and there are no restriction on the domain. The range (y-intervals) depends on the asymptote. The viewer also needs to pay special attention to why this graph does not have an x-intercept. There can be no natural log of a negative number, which results to no solution/no x-intercept. For y-intercept, make y equal 0. And finally, remember that if +a will place the graph above the asymptote, and -a below; if |b|<1 the graph is close to the asymptote to the right side and |b|>1 is on the left; x+h shifts the graph left and right; and fourthly, "k" is the asymptote.

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